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Avatar since: 9.04.2009

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I solemnly swear I am up to no good
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Meine Videos
My theme song :P It's called Silence Glaive (Sailor Saturn Theme) from Sailor Moon Crystal. I don't own anything.
Meine neuen Produkte Alle ansehen
New products always arrive when I get the creds. So be patient, new products will always come!!
Purple/Black BeguilePurple Momoko TailsPurple/Black Hair BaseBrown Momoko TailsBrown/Purple Hair BaseBlonde/Pink - Pigtails
Meine Abzeichen
Diese Abzeichen erhalten Secksy Purple Woodz
Meine Wunschliste
You see this list too right? Good, thought I was seeing things for a moment there.
BB|Neon Butterfly TopBB|Neon Headphones4BB|Neon Headphones2BB|Neon HeadphonesBB|Harpinno B|Prp v2
BB|BiteMe Outfit RLBB|Neon Skull JeansBB|Neon Skull TopBB|Neon MakBB|Butterfly Jeans v2
BB|Printed Halter 4BB|Baggy Jeans 4BB|Wild WolfBB|Rebel GirlBB|Rebel Jeans
BB|Butterfly CropBB|NEon Halloween RLSBB|Neon Halloween TopBB|Neon Bttrfly BndlBB|Neon Halloween RLS

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