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My name is Eleanor Valentine

I'm 21 years old

I have two cats named Jonah & Violet

I'm from Atlanta, Georgia

I'm mixed

I am a Horror and Romance Novelist

My Boyfriend is Annoying AF

Name: Kloud

I was 19 years old and I was in no mood to date, I just wanted to sleep around and not care for my feelings or permanent happiness, I felt I was young and had all the time in the world to get serious but now wasn't it. I had recently gotten a job at Starbucks as a Barista and I loved it to death I wanted to become a Shift Supervisor. Having such excitement I went to this app called Whisper, and made a post about wanting to be a Shift Supervisor.
Then I received the message, he was mentioning that he was a Shift Supervisor and worked at Starbucks for 3 years. I was entertained a little bit by the conversation but it quickly grew flat, an hour went by and he sent me his phone number, and I thought I'd throw him a bone and text him.
The next day we realized we lived really close to each other and he wanted to meet me before I went to work, we smoked together and it was a nice conversation. I went to work, messaging him a bit until he asked if he could pick me up and hang out with me that night. I agreed and he picked me up from work and we went to his apartment, I assumed it would be a one night stand but he wanted to continue things asking me not to ghost him the next morning when he was driving me home. We started sleeping together regularly and it was fun, but then I noticed something was changing, he would lay his hand on my leg or be persistent with his friends to get alone time with me, I was falling for him, but I wasn't sure if he was ready to know that so I kept quiet about it.

Until he heard that his ex was coming back into town after having moved to another state a year prior. He messaged me one day saying that once she returned he wanted to focus on working things out with her, so we couldn't sleep together anymore once she arrived, but that he wanted us to be friends. I felt hurt, but I wanted to respect him so I told him that if he wanted to be with her I would respect his choice, but that I had feelings for him and for that reason I couldn't see myself living a healthy mindset being his friends after having been so intimate all this time.
He told me that wasn't what he wanted, and therefore I gave him a subconscious ultimatum, be with me, or be with her. The next few weeks after that he avoided anyone talking about his ex, and giving me more attention that I realized, keeping me away from his friends and keeping me with him for days at a time. Finally, after a few weeks we discussed how it would be for us to date, and he told me he was polyamorous, and I was alright with that before we slept together because we weren't exclusive, but dating I couldn't imagine him with anyone else, we also discussed what would be okay and what wouldn't, and he wanted to be friends with his ex, and I told him that would be okay with me, as long as he wasn't excessive about his time spent with her, (i.e. sleepovers, camping, etc.) and after a bit of convincing he agreed it would be unfair to me. Another week passes, and he comes over to my house so we can discuss more about where we were going, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend, that was willing to be monogamous and loyal to me, that I was worth it, I told him I needed a day to think about it, but he still begged me to go home with him, and I did, the next morning I said yes and we've been together ever since. As for the ex-girlfriend, he stopped being friends with her a month after we started dating, he was always upfront and honest with her, however she had lied to him for 5 months about being single, when she was actually already in a relationship of her own. (When we weren't exclusive, they slept together, him not realizing she was in a relationship) He doesn't support anyone who cheats and he's highly against it.

We've been together ever since, raising two cats together and living together, we are both rough around the edges but we're learning from each other. I love him with all my heart, and we're doing good together, I just hope things continue to go well from here.

Don't really have any but willing to make some

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