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This girl is totally awsome! She's the best sister in the world! ^_^ She's awsome, funny, and very random! Love you girl! <3
Om meg
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påloggings status

Avatar siden: 2007-06-19
Age: 31
De forente Statene - FL
Last log on:

"~*Requiescat in Pace*~"

See My Albums (1)

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Min Ønskeliste
Sunshine Beach Bikini[kit]Royal Castlen' Lotta Blonde*L Dia 3Ear Piercing Rb | Black earrings
[SIN] Victorian Necklaceleg tattoo'S' Cameo Necklace.a Pearls Cameo Choker'E ShoxxTop: v1
DD Blue Lace Party DressFlowers Hearts StarsDD Vintage Cloche Blue.a Victorian Hat Red/BLKBurgundy Gold Hair Roses
DreamColor|YeolinAprilShowersLoliConverse.a Fedora - White / BLK!DHD! Cheryle Black Hair[GB] Mae Lolita Shoes
Mine interesser
Grettings! I see you've stumbled across my page. Now before I tell you a bit about myself I just ask two things:

**Please dont ask me for my asl as soon as I get into chat. Its quite rude actually...and I wont give it.

**Dont expect me to be all touchy-feely. I'm not that kind of girl. If thats who your looking for, the door's right there. *points*

**Please, I repeat, please do NOT beg me for credits/gifts. Thats one way to not get anything. Beggers never prosper...well at least in my book. ^_^

Anywho, now that all that serious stuff is out of the way, its back to business. *hands cupcake* You deserve that if your still reading.

I'm eighteen years old, and as crazy as they come (when I want to be). I mostly hang out in my room. Usually I'm quiet, and keep to myself. At other times I am crazy.My Bible and my I-pod are my best friends. (Yes, I am a Christian...and PROUD to be one!!!) Music is my life. I love music dearly, and would probably die if it was taken away from me. Both my brother and sister have this chat thingy too, and I enjoy hanging out with them. *points to special someone* My sis. ^_^ We are all INSANE. I repeat...INSANE. If you dont know what that's a definition of sorts: Loco, cracked, kookoo, crazy. In one word, wierdies. So, dont be freaked out if you talk to us.

Last, but not least: Dont be shy! Leave me a message! I love getting messages!! If you visit my page, and dont leave one, I will haunt you....FOREVER! If you really think about it...thats a pretty scary thought. xD

Psalm 19:14

Well, I think thats enough said. *gives you another cupcake* Thats for the road. ^_^


writing, music, reading, thinking, Gaming
My Recent Visitors (0)
Watch your thoughts..they become words. Watch your words...they become actions. Watch your actions...they become character. Watch your becomes your destiny.
Mine venner (3)

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